
Frenchy French Bloggy Blog

YAOAY was recently interviewed for a french blog called whothefuckareu.wordpress.com. It's pretty funny. You should probably read it. Don't worry it's in English. So click the link

In other news, I think I am getting strep throat. And remember how I broke my nose? Well, it is slowly collapsing in on itself a la Michael Jackson. Fuck.

Ok, gotta go eat some lasagna and get ready for our gig. 9 pm at the Relentless Garage.


Monkey See Monkey Do

Hey...remember how I am in a band? Well, we started a tumblr that anyone and everyone should follow. Check this shit out. CLICKY CLICKY

Oh ya, and we are playing this Thursday the 28 at The Garage in Highbury and Islington. We are on at 9. And there is free BBQ. So ya. See ya there.


Midnight Marauder

I am working on a film in Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I just went for a midnight beach stroll.

The film is for my degree show. It is very personal. So far, so good.


Dandy Bandy Interview

YAOAY has been interviewed. Click the pic to read.
I wish they had included my Pia quote. They didn't, so I will include it here:

"Rap music is all the same. It's all, 'Back your booty up onto my Manhood and gimme some diamonds!'" - Pia Shandel


Help End a War! Do It!

(click the photo to learn more)

My sister Mercy works for an amazing organization called Invisible Children. Their mission statement?

Invisible Children uses film, creativity and and social action to end the use of child soldiers in Joseph Kony's rebel war and restore LRA-affected communities in Central Africa to peace and prosperity.

This war between the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and the Government of Uganda is the longest running war in Africa and has been going on for 25 years. This means there are generations of young children who have never known peace. One of the most horrible side effects of this war is the army of child soldiers that have been created by Joseph Kony. Kidnapping children in the middle of the night, he then forces then to kill their families and civilians, and robs them of their freedom and humanity. Click HERE to read a more comprehensive history of the war, and what Invisible Children has done so far to help end it. I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU CLICK AND READ!

So my sister is currently raising donations for the 25 event. For 25 hours, Mercy and her colleagues will remain silent in protest against this 25 year war. At the end of it all there will be a massive party, obvi. So please help out! Any donation you can make is so so helpful and so so so important. It literally takes a few minutes. Please click the photo below to donate!


Presenting the Amazing Kelly Family!!!

Ok. So. This is absolutely the creepiest most confusing and hilarious thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I kind of hate my friend Louise for showing this to me. But I mostly love her. Enjoy, nerds.

Apparently, this frightening family has sold over 20 million records worldwide. WHAT!!!

Basically, they are a multi-generational, possibly inbred, gypsy family that traveled around Europe in a double decker bus making horrendously frightening music like the gem of a song I just shared with you. Apparently they have traded in their long hair and vagabond clothes for a more mainstream look...which is OBVIOUSLY a mistake.

Life would be so boring without Youtube.


Berlin Ich liebe dich

I just returned from a week in Berlin, and what can I say....the place was amazing, as usual. The only question I have is, when the fuck can I move there?

The week was filled with too many insane, inane and bizarre experiences to name them all, but if I had to pick a highlight, it would perhaps be driving through prenzlauer berg in a Volkswagon convertible with two german air hostesses and their weed dealer at noon on a tuesday after dancing our faces off at a variety of locales. What fun.

Oh ya, and can't forget Bonobo at Maria ost Banhoff. HOLEY MOLEY what an amazing gig.

Special thanks to Benjamin Teicher, aka Aurora Kiss, for being such a lovely friend and telling us about all the super duper cool places to go.

Look, I know it's a cliche to love Berlin this much...but I seriously LOVE Berlin so much. Be back soon, I promise.

Ok, now for some photos I took. That's why I ain't in any of them...

My Brother is Principal Tater

My brother, the illustrious Milo Shandel, just so happens to play a dim witted high school principal on a Canadian tv show called Mr Young. Until recently, I hadn't been able to see any episodes, but the premiere episode was just posted on Youtube!

Unsurprisingly, I find this program aimed at CHILDREN to be absolutely hilarious. Seriously. Slapstick gold.